This page contains answers to common questions
handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found
useful and presented here as questions.
What are the desktop system requirements for running
Vision Enterprise will run on most desktop systems today. It is built upon the Microsoft .NET Framework, which requires:
Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4 or higher), or XP operating system
Intel Pentium class of CPU (not a 486!), 400 MHz or faster
512 MB of memory
4 GB of disk space
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, other browsers may work, but we
only support I.E.800 x 600 screen resolution, 256 color monitorOf course, those are the bare minimums and most people will not be
satisfied with the performance of systems that small. We recommend a 400 MHz or
faster processor, and at least 512 MB of RAM memory (1024 MB is pretty good). In
general, we've found that the CPU speed and memory size primarily affect the time it
takes to start Vision. Once it's running, the differences in
CPU speed aren't very noticeable.
Vision will write a small (less than 5 MB) amount of data to the hard
disk drive while it's running. Should you choose to install Vision
directly onto your desktop system, plan on another 5 MB of disk space to
hold the application.
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What are the
server requirements for running Vision?
The Vision Enterprise server holds the database for your business
and executes much of the Vision business logic for processing orders. We currently support servers based on the Windows 2000, HP-UX, AIX,
or Linux
operating systems. The specific requirements vary greatly
based on your expected user load, so we encourage you to contact us by
phone at (847) 768-3100 or by
e-mail at
for more information.
In addition to providing the database server, you also need to
provide a method for supplying the Vision Enterprise software to
your Vision users. We support three different options:
- Users can copy the Vision Enterprise software files
to their PCs (via a copy/paste or similar function) and then run Vision
from their PCs.
- Users can run Vision from a file server.
- Users can run Vision from a web server.
Copying to the files to the users' individual PCs provides the fastest startup performance for
your users (especially for dial-up users). However, this method requires
that the users
repeat the copy operation each time a new release is available. Running
Vision Enterprise from either a file server or a web server allows you to control the
release of new software without any actions required by your users. Once again, a simple copy/paste of the new software to the file or web
server is all that's needed to install the new release.
We've successfully tested the Vision Enterprise application installed
directly on desktop PCs, on a Windows NT 4.0 or later file server, on a
Windows 2000 or later IIS web server, and on a UNIX Apache web server.
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How fast of a network
do I need between my desktop and server?
The Vision Enterprise client software talks to the Vision server across
some form of network that you'll need to supply. This can be a local
or wide area network, or you can connect to your (or our) server across
the public Internet.
If the desktop system and the server are in the same building, then a
local area network built upon Ethernet technology is the most affordable
and effective technique. You might already have such a network if
your desktop PCs are sharing files or printers with one another. If so, this
network is probably just fine for running Vision, but we'd
suggest that you talk with our Implementations staff
to be sure. You can reach them via the same contact numbers and e-mail
address: by phone at (847) 768-3100 or by e-mail
It gets more interesting when the desktop system and the server are
separated by blocks, miles, or states...
We have tested Vision Enterprise running across a dial-up modem
connection at about 50 KBps (kilobytes per second): it ran, but it took several minutes to
start up. Once it was running, it was OK to use.
We recommend a network connection of at least 500 KBps to the server. For
our ASP clients, we suggest a business-class DSL line or other form
of broadband connection to the Internet. For clients building
their own private networks, we suggest a fractional T1 or faster
Again, our Implementations staff can provide you with more information
and even help install your network if you'd like.
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What printer should I use with Vision?
Vision has standard forms that you can print on 8.5 x 11-inch white
paper using a laser printer. Your company's logo can be included on the
printouts. This enables you to avoid spending money on costly preprinted
forms for invoices, delivery tickets, and other forms.
If you would like to use the standard forms in Vision, your printer
needs to be a laser printer that is HP compliant and PCL (printer control
language) level 5 or higher. Most laser printers support PCL 5. This
may apply to hundreds of printers, so we do not have a list of exact
printer models.
If you prefer to use the Vision base preprinted forms, then any
dot-matrix printer may be used.
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What is the "ASP Model"?
Tired of struggling to maintain your own servers and the specialized
staffing needed to support them? Recurring maintenance and
administration costs reducing your profitability? Are you
risking your business on a box stuffed into a closet without fire or power
protection? If so, you may wish to consider our Application Service
Provider option.
For a low monthly cost per user, The Systems House will host your
Vision database application on our high-performance servers housed in our
data center. We'll be responsible for the administration of
the server: performing daily backups, upgrading software as required,
adding disk space if it's needed, and answering the pager at 3 a.m. if the system
has a problem. We've demonstrated our effectiveness to many customers and
offer a service level agreement that specifically outlines
our commitment to supporting your business.
Your users would connect to our data center through a private
high-speed network or through the cost-effective public Internet. Once your
network connection is available, there's nothing to buy and no
server software to install. You can be running Vision Enterprise
within days!
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Why should I trust the Internet with my data?
Our clients who choose to connect to servers in our data
center will be using our Vision proxy server.
All communications from the desktop to the Vision proxy are securely
encrypted using 128-bit private keys. We use the Advanced Encryption
Standard (also known as the "Rijndael" algorithm) chosen by the
U.S. government's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
This encryption technology was selected after an exhaustive competition and
evaluation of the best cryptographic algorithms available. See the
NIST web site for more information on
Our ASP servers are fully hardened against attacks from the outside, and we
take all measures to ensure that your data cannot be released
to the outside world.
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Why does Vision abort right away?
If you get an error message that says something about a security
exception, then your computer probably doesn't "trust" the Vision
server. Follow the directions on the Security page, and
then try again.
If you are still having a problem, save this program
fix_dotnet_2.bat to your computer and
execute it by double-clicking on it. If you get a successful
message, try to start Vision and see if that fixed the problem.
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Why can't I log on to Vision?
There are several possible things that could go wrong when you're
attempting to log on. Let's have a look.
- Please start the application. The logon dialog box appears.
- Be sure that you've entered the correct user name and password.
It needs to be a valid user ID and password on the system that has
the database, which might be different from the user name and password
you enter when you start or reboot your PC. You may have to check with
your local IT person on this one.
Assuming the user name and password are OK, let's check out the other
of the fields on the logon dialog box.
- Click the Options button so that you can see the information in
the host, port, and account fields.
- The information you need to type in the host, port, and account
fields depends on where your Vision account is located. If you're not
one of our ASP clients, then the installation team from The Systems House
will help your IT group determine the appropriate values for each of
these fields. Check with them to ensure that the values you typed are correct.
If you are one of our ASP clients, use the settings shown in
the dialog box below:

- If all of the values on the logon screen are correct, the
problem will depend on the error that you are getting.
- If the error says, "Logon failed; Cannot connect to server", then your PC is having a problem
talking directly to our systems. It's likely that this will take a little help from your IT staff: tell them
you're having a problem opening a socket to port 2250 on
- If your company has a firewall or proxy server guarding your access
to the Internet, it's possible they may have to adjust the settings on
that firewall or proxy server.
- If your company uses a Microsoft proxy server for Internet access, be
sure that you have the Windows Socket Proxy Client installed. (If this
is already installed, WSP Client will be in the Control Panel on
your PC.)
- If you are still having problems, exit out of Vision and do the
- Double click on ‘my computer’ on your desktop.
- In the address bar, type in ‘%temp%’ and then press ‘Enter’.
- Delete any files and/or folders that begin with ‘vision’.
- Go into Internet Explorer.
- Click on ‘tools’, then ‘internet options’. In the middle of the
form, there should be a box ‘Temporary Internet Files’. Click on
‘Delete Files…’. Then click OK.
- Make sure user exits out of IE and then goes back in before
- Open the Vision login form. Before you login, click on ‘options’
and check the ‘refresh cache’ box.
- Then login. Now, it may take a little longer to login because it
will rebuild the folder you deleted from your PC.
- If you are still getting errors, try the following:
- Go to Administrative Tools (this will be on the Control Panel).
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration
- Runtime Security Policy
- Right click on 'Enterprise' and select 'reset'.
- Right click on 'Machine' and select 'reset'.
- Right click on 'User' and select 'reset'.
- Then expand 'User', Expand 'Code Groups', right click on 'All_Code',
- Select 'Properties', Permission Set, Make sure it is 'FullTrust'.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Wizards
- Adjust .Net Security
- Make Changes to this computer
- Make sure Trusted Sites and Local Internet has full trust.
- If you are still getting errors, try the following:
Virus protection / Internet security
Personal Firewall settings:
Many virus protection or personal
firewall software may prevent Vision from running. You can determine if
this is the problem by disabling the software and trying to run Vision
again. If Vision runs, then you can configure the software to allow
Vision software to run. You may also have to allow port 2250 for TCP
traffic to your PC if you are accessing vision remotely.
Please follow the software manufacturer
instructions to make these changes.
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