Epicor Vision requires Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) or higher and supports Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
Follow the steps below to prepare your PC to run Epicor Vision.
Step 1: Install .Net Framework 3.5 on the PC. Use Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn on Windows features on or off -> check .Net Framework 3.5 -> hit OK
Step 2: Install .Net Framework 4.8 from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
Step 3: Change Trust level for Epicor Vision software on the PC. Download http://vision.epicor.com/fix_dotnet_2.zip, Extract the file -> Right-Click -> Run as Administrator.
Step 4: Trust Vision server. Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Security -> Trusted Sites -> Sites -> Uncheck "Require server verification (https) for all sites in this zone -> add the IP address of your vision server (Example:
Step 5: Create a shortcut on your desktop to start Epicor Vision. Example: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\IEExec.exe